Pursuant to Circular 06/2021/TT-BLDTBXH amending and supplementing some provisions of Circular 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH; including some amendments [...]
According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 85 of the Law on Social Insurance [...]
Some notable points: * When purchasing the “access rights” from overseas, some key points to [...]
I) General Conditions which should be noticed: 1. The parent company (hereby maybe called the [...]
* Direct Investment Capital Account (DICA): – A bank account in VND or in foreign [...]
I) In case that the investor is a foreign individual: – The notarized copy of [...]
VNC Consulting would like to provide an overview of the laws, regulations, business, taxation and [...]
Withholding tax, or called Foreign contractor tax (FCT) is a specific kind of tax in [...]
Taxation procedure in Vietnam is one of the hardest areas for expatriates to master – [...]
We are proud to share that ANTEA Alliance of Independent Firms has been recognized as [...]
VNC Consulting would like to summarize the Company-in-Vietnam Compliance Calendar 2021 for your reference: Download [...]
The use of Payroll Services is one of the appropriate options and brings many benefits [...]
VNC is a member in Vietnam of ANTEA Alliance of Independent Firms. Being the membership [...]
We are pleased to announce that ANTEA Alliance of Independent Firms has welcomed new member [...]
VNC Consulting Introduction VNC Consulting is a member of ANTEA Alliance of Independent Firms, ANTEA [...]