VNC Consulting would like to provide you with a summary of the Company-in-Vietnam Compliance Calendar [...]
• 6201 Lập trình máy vi tính – Chi tiết: Dịch vụ thực hiện phần [...]
VNC Consulting, a leading professional service solutions provider, is providing comprehensive bookkeeping solutions in Vietnam. [...]
VNC Consulting has several strong points that distinguish it in the Vietnamese Accounting Standards (VAS) Conversion service [...]
VNC Consulting specializes in providing professional compliance services tailored specifically for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) [...]
Streamlining Financial Reporting and Enhancing Compliance As Vietnam’s economy continues to attract foreign investment, multi-international [...]
When must taxpayers generate an invoice? When selling goods or providing services, the seller must [...]
There are several instructions on handling invoices with errors which are specified in Decree No. [...]
– Pursuant to Article 47 of the Law on Tax Administration No. 38/2019/QH14 dated June [...]
Pursuant to Point d Clause 2 Article 2 of Circular No. 111/2013/TT-BTC dated August 15th, [...]
Pursuant to Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP dated October 19th, 2020 of the government regulating invoices and [...]
Decree No. 91/2022/ND-CP has recently been issued by the government and takes effect from October [...]
– Circular No. 117/2005/TT-BTC: applicable from 2005 to 2009: Companies are obliged to prepare and [...]
The content of this clause is cross-related to many different regulations. VNC would like to [...]