Professional Services for Representative Office:
On a monthly basis:
– Maintenance of the Cash-In-Bank Book and Petty-Cash-On-Hand Book.
– Preparation of payroll calculations for employees each month.
– Calculation and registration of compulsory social insurance payments to be paid by both the employer and employee, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
– Advice provided regarding compulsory social insurance payment.
– Preparation and submission of Personal Income Tax (PIT) declarations to tax authority.
– Advice given on PIT payment methods.
– Registration of tax codes for employees and their dependents.
– Calculation and advice given on Trade Union contributions.
On a yearly basis:
– Preparation and submission of a statutory report on the Representative Office’s activities for the previous year to competent authority.
– Preparation and submission of a statutory report on labor usage (for both local employees and expats) at the end of the first and second half of each year.
– Prepare and submit the annual PIT Finalization to tax authority.