- A trademark registration form, according to form No. 04 – NH of Circular 16/2016/TT-BKHCN (02 copies);
- At section 1. TRADEMARK Description of trademark, if the trademark has a foreign language text, it is necessary to explain what the Vietnamese meaning is;
- In section 7. CATEGORIES AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF GOODS AND SERVICES WITH TRADEMARKS , fill in the goods / services codes and the content of the goods / services group, at the end of each group, write the total number of products / service. Maximum of 5 registered goods / services codes.
- Sign in section 9. APPLICANT / REPRESENTATIVE, sign at the end of each page and seal, overlapping seal.
- Designs of trademarks and lists of goods and services with trademarks (04 copies);
- Payment vouchers of charges and fees.
– Time for formality examination: 01 month from the date of application submission.
– Time for publication of applications: 02 months after the decision on acceptance of valid applications is issued.
– Time for substantive examination: 09 months from the time of application announcement.
– Time to issue certificate: 01 month.
Thus, the total time for trademark registration under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law is 13 months from the filing date. However, in practice, the total time for trademark registration usually lasts from 18 to 20 months from the date of filing. In addition, the time for trademark registration can also last from 2 to 3 years, depending on whether the application is required to notify amendments or supplements, opposes the application, complains about refusal to grant a protection title, etc.
Normally, a trademark shall not be protected if it is only descriptive, not distinguishable. Thus, if the name is fairly generic, please concern to register it with a “logo” together, not only “wording”.
Hanoi: 386 Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi;
Ho Chi Minh City: 17-19 Ton That Tung Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City;
Da Nang: 40 Nguyen Du Street, Thach Thang Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang;
The documents mentioned above can be submitted by post.